Heritage Open Days in Stoke on Trent
Colours indicate general location: Pink=Tunstall; Orange=Burslem; Yellow=Hanley & Etruria; Green=Stoke & Penkhull; Blue=Fenton; Purple=Longton & Trentham; Grey=our friends just outside the city.
Themes: C=Creativity Unwrapped; B=Bottle Ovens. O=Online event P=Pre-booking required
The Festival - Friday 8th to Sunday 17th September 2023
Fri 8 Sep |
1000-1500 C
1000-1700 B
1030-1130 C O P
Historic Longton Walk
1400 B P
1700-2000 C P
Sat 9 Sep |
1000-1300 C
1100-1500 C
Bethesda Chapel
1030-1630 B C
1000-1600 C
Chatterley Whitfield and Colliery Tours
1000-1600 P
1100 B P
1100-1500 B C P
Sun 10 Sep |
Chatterley Whitfield and Colliery Tours
1000-1600 P
Exploring Hugh Henshall's Longport
1000 B C P
1030-1630 B C
1030-1430 B C
Ford Green Hall
Mon 11 Sep | Exploring William Baker's Fenton
1100 B C P
1500 B C P
1800-1830 C
Tue 12 Sep |
1830 B C P
Wed 13 Sep |
1030-1630 B C
1030 C P
1900 B C P
Thu 14 Sep |
1000-1500 C
1030-1630 B C
1030 C P
1430 B C P
1000-1500 P
Fri 15 Sep |
1000-1500 C
1030-1630 B C
1000-1500 P
1430 C P
1930-2100 C
1300-1600 B
1330 P
Sat 16 Sep |
1000-1300 C
Phoenix Works 1000-1400 B C
1000-1500 P
1100-1600 C
Herbert Minton Building Open Day
1100-1600 C
Launch info to follow
1000-1600 C
The Stoke-on-Trent Schools of Art
1400 C
Sun 17 Sep | Phoenix Works (extra day) 1030-1200 B C
Chatterley Whitfield and Colliery Tours
1000-1600 P
1000-1500 P