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Article 4 Directions Matrix


Part Class Description                              
Ash Green
Blurton Church
Town C
Caldon Canal2&5
Hanley Park
Town C
Park Terrace
Penkhull Garden
Penkhull Village5
StChris Avenue
Stoke Town 
The Villas
Tower Square
T&M Canal3
1           Development within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse                                        
A The enlargement, improvement or other alteration of a dwellinghouse where any part of the enlargement improvement or other alteration would front a relevant location              
Pt 1
Cl A 
Pt 1
Cl A
Pt 1
Cl A
Pt 1
Cl A
Pt 1
Cl A
Pt 1
Cl A
Pt 1
Cl A
Pt 1
Cl A
Pt 1
Cl A
B The enlargement of a dwellinghouse consisting of an addition or alteration to its roof which would front a relevant location  
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Pt 1
Cl B
Any other alteration to the roof of a dwellinghouse where the alteration would be to a roof slope which fronts a relevant location.  
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
D The erection or construction of a porch outside any external door of a dwellinghouse where the external door fronts a relevant location.          
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D 
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D
Pt 1
Cl D
F Development consisting of:                                        
F (a) the provision within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse of a hard surface for any purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house as such, where the hard surface would front a relevant location: or    
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
Pt 1
Cl F(a)
F (b) the replacement in whole or in part of such a surface where the hard surface would front a relevant location.     
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
Pt 1
Cl F(b)
G The installation, alteration or replacement of a chimney, on a dwellinghouse    
Pt 1
Cl G
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
Pt 1
Cl C
2       Minor Operations                                         
A The erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure which fronts a relevant location1  
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
Pt 2
Cl A
C The painting of the exterior of any building or work where the part of the exterior to be painted would front a highway, including hitherto unpainted parts of the elevation, or with the exception of these specific conditions:                         
Pt 2
Cl C
 C (a) The repainting of an existing painted surface is painted with a colour to match the existing one in every respect of colour, hue, texture and appearance.   
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
Pt 2
Cl C(a)
C (b) The repainting of an existed painted surface is painted with a colour shown in following list of British Standard References for paint:  (list specified on each Direction)       
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
Pt 2
Cl C(b)
11    Heritage and Demolition                                        
C Any building operation consisting of the demolition of the whole or any part of any gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure and fronts a relevant location1   
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Pt 11
Cl C
Ash Green Blurton Church
Town C
Caldon Canal 
Hanley Park
Town C 
Park Terrace Penkhull Garden Penkhull Village StChris Avenue  Stoke Town The Villas Tower Square  T&M Canal


1. Re: Pt 2 Cl A and P11 Cl C - ‘fronts the waterway’ in the case of either Caldon Canal Conservation Area 2022 or Trent and Mersey Conservation Area 2022.

2. Re: Caldon Canal CA

Part 1: relates to Frobisher Street, Hardman Street (2-16 even) Chamberlain Street, Harcourt Street, Croston Street, Wellesley Street (68-116 even) Lomas Street (nos.17-37 odd) and Davis Street (nos.12-18 even).
Part 2 and Part 11 apply to the whole Conservation Area.

3. Re: Trent & Mersey Canal CA

Part 1 relates to Port Street even nos.2-66 inclusive and Burgess Street even nos.72-92 inclusive.
Part 2 and 11 are applicable to the whole Conservation Area.
4. Re: Albert Square CA and Winton Square CA - New boundary approved - awaiting Article 4 details.
5. Re. Caldon Canal CA and Penkhull Village CA - Article 4 Directions proposed and awaiting approval.