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Bankside Bottle Ovens Walk - reserve your place

About this event:

Potteries Bottle Oven Day

Bankside Bottle Ovens

Meet outside the Etruria Industrial Museum Visitor Centre, Etruria Vale Road, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4RB

Thursday 29th August 2024

14:30 - 17:00

Join us to celebrate Potteries Bottle Oven Day with a guided walk exploring the oven sites along the Trent & Mersey and Caldon Canals, led by Potteries Heritage Society. The walk will include five oven and kiln sites over a little over 4 miles with frequent stops. Your guides will include PHS's Andy Perkin and archaeologist Zoe Sutherland.

The event is free but donations to the Potteries Bottle Oven Owners Club will be welcomed on the day or online.

Add additional names as appropriate. Use this space for anything else we may need to know or you need to ask.
Participants accept that the walk, like any other, involves potential hazards and take part at their own risk. Participants give their consent to the use of any photographs or video images taken on the day in social media or future publicity. Information submitted on this form will be used for event management purposes only and will not be shared with third parties.
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