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Green Historic Fenton - book your place

About this event:

Christchurch FentonHODs LogoMeet outside Fenton Town Hall, Albert Square, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 3FA

Friday 13 September 2024

14:00-16:00  FULLY BOOKED

This event is now fully booked. Further bookings will be added to our reserve list in case anyone drops out. 

A guided walk exploring the heritage of Fenton's beautiful green spaces. Discover the hidden history that lies beneath the area's parks and green spaces. Following the decline and closure of collieries there were large areas of derelict land in Fenton. Thanks to the foresight of radical thinkers in the 1960s, many of these sites were transformed into the beautiful green spaces we have today. Fenton now has the most parks and green spaces of any of the six towns. This event is co-ordinated by Potteries Heritage Society and led by Monienne Stone. Refreshments available before the event in the cafe at Fenton Town Hall.

Add additional names as appropriate. Use this space for anything else we may need to know or you need to ask.
Participants accept that the walk, like any other, involves potential hazards and take part at their own risk. Participants give their consent to the use of any photographs or video images taken on the day in social media or future publicity. Information submitted on this form will be used for event management purposes only and will not be shared with third parties.
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